Recycling clothes & sewing


With Jette Christoffersen


2.5 hours - Five sessions, starting April 10th or 11th.

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What you will do

Join us in transforming your wardrobe! In her workshop you will breathe new life into old garments, tailor, sew, and save resources to restore worn-out or small clothes. Like many, you may have clothes that aren't quite perfect – inherited pieces, flea market finds, or impulse purchases.

Whether crafting for yourself or being a beginner that wants to learn about it, we start with pre-made patterns that can be tailored to your preferences. Feel free to bring your own fabrics or use those provided by Jette. Want to recreate a beloved piece? Bring it along, and we can create a personalized pattern just for you. From shirts, tops, and skirts too dresses and trousers, among others.

The workshop will consist of 5 sessions at Jette Christoffersen´s studio. No special level required: from beginners to experts. Important: minimum 4 people registered for the workshop to take place.

What's included?


Adgang til studiet.
5 workshop-sessioner: tilskæring, syning, måling og genanvendelse.
Materialer (sakse, nåle, metermål).


Access to the studio.

5 workshops session: tailor, sew,
measure and recycling.

Sewing machines.

Materials (scissors, pings, meter).

What's needed?


Ingen særlige færdighedsniveauer kræves: fra begyndere til eksperter.
Medbring dine egne stoffer.


No special level required: from beginners to experts.

Bring your own fabrics.


Jette Christoffersen

DK: Med mere end 40 års ekspertise inden for modeindustrien og en baggrund fra Margrethe Skolen har Jette Christoffersen været en banebryder siden hun åbnede sin første mode-, livsstils- og tøjbutik på Værnedamsvej i 1985. I løbet af årene udvidede hun sin tilstedeværelse med butikker på Jagtvej, Bredgade, og i mere end to årtier på Godthåbsvej, Frederiksberg. EN: With over 40 years of expertise in the fashion industry and a background from Magrethe Skolen, Jette Christoffersen has been a trailblazer since she opened her first fashion, lifestyle, and clothing shop on Værnedamsvej in 1985. Over the years, she expanded her footprint with shops on Jagtvej, Bredgade, and for more than two decades, in Godthåbsvej, Frederiksberg.


From 1250 kr./person - five sessions

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Max amount of people


Max amount of people

Danish, English

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