Nude croquis

Valby Kulturhus

With Jeff


2 hours - Fridays 11 am.

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What you will do

Connect with your artistic side in a nude croquis art workshop at Valby Kulturhus studio, hosted by Jeff and fellow senior artists. Jeff, a Copenhagen-born Danish artist, showcases nudity and sexuality through vibrant paintings, sculptures, and drawings. Important: this is not a drawing class, but you can ask questions and get inspiration of other seniors artists if you need it. Experience is not required.

Anyone who can see, can also draw. During the two hours will be with different nude poses, sketching and with small breaks in between so you interact and share with Jeff and other senior artists. After the drawing session you will be invited to share lunch with them ;)

What's included?

- 2 hour croquis session

- Live nude model

- Access to drawing boards

- Free coffee

- Access to share lunch with them (food not included)

What's needed?

- Blank canvas, pages or surface of your choice

- Pencils, Markers, Brushes or Paint of your choice

- Meal or snacks



Jeff is a danish artist, born and raised in Copenhagen. He creates a wide variety of engaging artistic pieces portraying nudity and sexuality through colourful paintings, sculptures and drawings. Even though he might seem distant at first Jeff is a warm, fun and kind friend once you connect with him and enter his art world.


From 110 kr./ person

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Valby Kulturhus

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